Jimmy Barnes Working Class Man (Songs and Stories) – Sydney 02/05/2018

I’ve listened to Jimmy Barnes on and off for many years, but never seen him live. So I was happy to get a ticket to his current show Working Class Man Songs and Stories.

This was the first time I’ve been to the Sydney Town Hall for a show. I can’t say I particularly liked the venue, not for a show (no leg room in the seats!)

After so many years, Jimmy’s voice hasn’t lost anything. He came on at 8pm, no support act just Jimmy and some musicians.

He takes you on a virtual tour of his life beginning with Cold Chisel To now. From videos, photos, telling stories and performing songs throughout the evening.

There was an intermission halfway through, which was good if you wanted to stretch your legs, get a drink etc. In the break we spotted Peter Fitzsimmons and Lisa Wilkins in the crowd, pretty cool.

After intermission Jimmy was back to it.

He spoke of his first book working class boy.

I’ll definitely be reading both of his books now. I loved hearing the story behind the man. He pulled no punches, took the blame for his bad decisions.

It was great how he spoke of his past, and getting help. I think this was truly brave, and should happen more often.

You forget how many people he’s worked with over his career.

If you were expecting a concert you may have been disappointed, but man he can still sing like he used to.

At the end of the night, you join him in thinking how lucky he is to be alive. But most importantly you love him just a little bit more than before. The love for his family and friends shines through.

The show was supposed to finish at 11, but we got a little bit more leaving at 11:30.

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