The notorious RBG, a great new documentary on US Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

I really enjoyed this documentary, I’d heard of RBG but did not know the full extent of her story. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has had an amazing career and has had a remarkable impact on the law.

If you’ve not heard of her, go check this documentary out, take everyone it will give you some hope and light in this crazy world. Especially knowing that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is still working today! If you still aren’t convinced then read some of her dissents, you’ll soon change your mind.

Directed by Julie Cohen and Betsy West.

Starring Bill Clinton, Sharron Frontiero, Jane C Ginsberg, Martin D Ginsberg, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Orrin Hatch, Lilly Ledbetter, Rush Limbaugh, The Notorious BIG, Antonin Scalia, Gloria Steinem, Nina Totenberg and Stephen Wiesenfeld.

Here is a link to the RBG trailer.

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