Alex Strangelove

Another great film from Netflix, I have to say they are upping their game of late.

Alex is a high school student with everything worked out, until he plans to lose his virginity with his high school sweetheart. Things just don’t go the way he planned, he meets Elliott a handsome gay kid.

Alex then goes through a rollercoaster of emotions working out who he is and his sexuality in these confusing modern times.

At its heart this is a sweet coming of age film, with friendship and love at its core.

Definitely one to watch, I will watch this again for sure.

Directed and written by Craig Johnson.

Starring Michael Abela, Daniel Doheny, Brendan Archer, Madeline Weinstein, Joshua Barragan, Antonio Marziale, Kai Bigwood, Daniel Zolghadri, Bradley Birkholz, Nik Dodani, Von Bowen, Fred Hechinger, Christian A Brock, Annie Q, Travis Bryant, Kimberly Butler, Kathryn Erbe, Joanna Adler, Regan Campbell, Andrew Carter, William Ragsdale, Isabella Amara, Lennon Cihak, Cody Cochran, Sophie Faulkenberry, Nathan D Conrad, Dante Costabile, Adam Cantor, Steven D’Amico, Kaysha Davis, Don V Dunn, Edin Erdosy, Brittany Everett, Logan Riley Bruner, Sophia Finner, David Fierro, Alejandra Gadea, Zachary Garcia, Jesse James Keitel, Khail Bryant, Jordan Jayro, Aidan Pierce Brennan, Danny Jennings, Jackson Lennon, Edward Sass III, Junior Llamas, Violet Lucite, Tryon Lovett, Anthony Pierini, Francisco Cordero, De Smet-Roc Mehdi, Scott Magetuka, Shayla Miller, Kimberly Moise, Raven Murray, Ingrid Nilsen, John Oyekunle, Damian Parker, Brandon Ramin, Isley Rewt, Chloe Roberts, Ben ‘Bruno’ Rose, Cole Ryals, Alyssa Sills, Jonathan M Simmons, Connor Smith, Stacy Solis, Ray Stauffer, Roly West, Reed Wetmore, Jair Woo, Harvey Wood, Calvin Woo, Dion York, Jennifer Brady, Gina Brillon, Shenell Edmonds, Harlin C Kearsley, Ayden Mayeri, Ben Odom and Aleksi Sefanov.

Here is a link to the Alex Strangelove trailer.