Priscilla Queen Of The Desert

Last night I went with some friends to see Priscilla Queen Of The Desert, at Capitol Theatre. We all loved it!

I’ve seen the movie quite a few times over the years, but have never seen the stage production before. I absolutely loved it and would definitely go again. If you are on the fence about whether to go, just go you won’t be disappointed.

From the performances, to the music and those costumes, I loved it.

The cast received a standing ovation, which I’m sure they’ll get every performance.

Starring Tony Sheldon, David Harris, Euan Doidge, Jakob Ambrose, Blake Appelqvist, Michelle Barr, Angelique Cassimatis, Lena Cruz, Xander Ellis, Mitchell Fistrovic, Robert Grubb, Samm Hagen, Tom Handley, Haydan Hawkins, Luke Jarvis, Joe Kosky, Leonard Mickelo, and Cle Morgan to name a few.

I’m off to listen to the soundtrack, shake your groove thing,yeah yeah!

For more information on the musical here is a link to their website.