Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

The movie came out on Thursday, and I’ve seen it twice already! It’s a fun, vibrant and enjoyable escape from reality.

If you enjoyed the first movie, you’ll want to get to the cinema to see this sequel.

I still think the original is the best, but I think this is one movie that the more you watch it the more you love it!

Directed by Ol Parker.

Written by Ol Parker, Richard Curtis, Catherine Johnson and Judy Craymer.

Starring Lily James, Amanda Seyfried, Meryl Streep, Dominic Cooper, Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgard, Christine Baranski, Colin Firth, Cher, Julie Walters, Jeremy Irvine, Andy Garcia, Josh Dylan, Hugh Skinner, Celia Imrie, Jessica Keenan Wynan, Alexa Davies, Helene Cardona, Naoko Mori, Omid Djalili, Panos Mouzourakis, Togo Igawa, Sonia Dorado, Debra Leigh-Taylor, Alexandra Ford, Susanne Barklund, Amelia O’Loughlin, Gerard Monaco, Lampros Kalfuntzos, Maria Vacratsis, Anna Antoniades, Dale Branston, Gino Picciano, Jane Fowler, Kathryn Akin, Israel Ruiz, Natalia Campbell, David Handley, Paul-Adrien Ferre, Alim Jayda, Ava Brennan, Maria Despina, Tom Wheatley, Yasmin Harrison, Duncan Smith, Dawn Buckland, Jake Moyle, Gaston Dellaferrera, Zara Treherne, Constance Jerome, Omari Bernard, Filiz Fairweather, Sarah Cortez, Shannon Meehan, Tamara McKoy Patterson,

Here is a link to the Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again trailer.

Priscilla Queen Of The Desert

Last night I went with some friends to see Priscilla Queen Of The Desert, at Capitol Theatre. We all loved it!

I’ve seen the movie quite a few times over the years, but have never seen the stage production before. I absolutely loved it and would definitely go again. If you are on the fence about whether to go, just go you won’t be disappointed.

From the performances, to the music and those costumes, I loved it.

The cast received a standing ovation, which I’m sure they’ll get every performance.

Starring Tony Sheldon, David Harris, Euan Doidge, Jakob Ambrose, Blake Appelqvist, Michelle Barr, Angelique Cassimatis, Lena Cruz, Xander Ellis, Mitchell Fistrovic, Robert Grubb, Samm Hagen, Tom Handley, Haydan Hawkins, Luke Jarvis, Joe Kosky, Leonard Mickelo, and Cle Morgan to name a few.

I’m off to listen to the soundtrack, shake your groove thing,yeah yeah!

For more information on the musical here is a link to their website.

The Book Of Mormon – Lyric Theatre Sydney 15/05/2018

The musical comedy is written by Matt Stone and Trey Parker the creators of South Park. Definitely don’t take anyone you think maybe offended easily, as it pokes fun at religion (incase you couldn’t tell).

Whilst not my favourite musical, as a musical comedy it was very clever and had me laughing, especially with the pop culture references.

The musical is currently showing at the Lyric Theatre in Sydney, tickets are on sale right up into July.

Here is a link to the Book of Mormon trailer.

Muriel’s Wedding The Musical

I was lucky enough to get a ticket to see Muriel’s Wedding The Musical at The Roslyn Packer Theatre for its debut season in January this year.

Having seen the movie multiple times I was very excited to see the musical, though I had no idea what to expect. But an Australian Musical how can you go wrong!

I loved this from start to finish. I would have loved to go again but it was Sold Out!

They have now announced a return limited season in 2019 at the Lyric Theatre. Book your tickets soon before they sell out!

Here is Muriel’s Wedding The Musical link.


In January I had the pleasure of watching this musical for the second time.

This is a must see for anyone who loves to go to the theatre and see musicals.

I had always liked Carole Kings music, but I had no idea how many songs she has written.

The Australian stage production is first rate and one of the best productions I have ever seen.

This is now currently showing in Melbourne Australia, so do yourself a favour and get yourself a ticket ASAP.

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical

The Greatest Showman

First things first I’m a huge Hugh Jackman fan, I’ve enjoyed his movies since Paperback Hero with Claudia Karvan. Then a few years ago doing his one man show I had the pleasure of High Fiving Hugh when he came into the audience. So from here on out I say my friend Hugh 😂.

So no surprise I loved this film, the musical numbers, the story, cast etc.

Now if you aren’t a fan of musicals you probably won’t enjoy this. But give it a go you might be surprised. You’ll enjoy the soundtrack, and want to listen to it Post the movie.

I’ll be watching this one again for sure! So enjoy, and if you like a Singalong check out your local cinema to see when they are hosting a singalong version.

Here’s a link to the The Greatest Showman trailer